I work as a clerical assistant in a pediatric dental office, and I am commonly surprised by the number of children who are scared of the dentist. Many kids think that cleanings will be painful, and they believe they will be scolded for eating sugary foods. Children are also extremely frightful of the noises made by the water spraying tools and the suction devices. As adults, we know that dental cleanings are easy and free of pain. We need to impart this knowledge to our children so they know not to fear the dentist. I have provided blogs that will help you speak with your child about dental care. Good communication, trips to your own dentist, and online videos can assist you. So will good brushing techniques that will make your child proud to see the dentist. Enjoy my articles so you can help your child build oral care confidence.
Alfred Kelley
One of the best ways to treat dental problems is to avoid them in the first place. Preventative dental care is designed to keep the teeth and gums healthy throughout life and help treat any dental problems while they are in their earliest stages. These four preventative dental care services can be administered by your dentist to help ensure better dental health for you.
Cavity Checks
When you visit your dentist's office for a teeth cleaning, the dentist will usually check for cavities before or after the hygienist performs your cleaning. Checking for cavities can help your dentist spot cavities in their earliest stages so that corrective steps can be taken to resolve the problem. If the dentist sees areas of mineral loss on your teeth, you'll likely be advised to take better care of your oral health and brush with a fluoride-based toothpaste to prevent these areas from turning into cavities that erode tooth enamel. If cavities are detected, the areas of decay will need to be drilled so that tooth fillings can be placed to prevent further tooth decay.
Gum Measurements
During your routine cleaning appointment, the dentist or hygienist may also take measurements of your gums to look for signs of gum disease. A special handheld instrument is used to measure the depth of your gums in millimeters. If any area of your gums measures an amount that's less than what's considered to be healthy, additional treatments and self-care tips may be provided to reverse the effects of gum disease and keep the condition from progressing.
Oral Cancer Screenings
Oral cancer isn't just a concern for smokers and can affect older and younger people from different walks of life. Your dentist will examine the soft tissues inside your mouth including under the tongue to look for any unusual lesions that could be cancerous. If any suspicious lesions are noticed, the dentist may take a tissue sample to send it to a lab to be analyzed for cancer cells, or your dentist may refer you to an ear, nose, and throat specialist (EMT) for further testing. These oral cancer screenings performed by your dentist can be a great first line of defense against oral cancer and will allow you to take faster action to treat the condition.
X-ray Imagery
X-rays should be taken periodically to look for underlying dental issues that need attention. These X-rays can show your dentist if you have any tooth decay that may be hard to detect from a visual examination. Problems with the roots of teeth and the jawbone can also be seen on many X-ray images, and your dentist can provide treatments to prevent additional problems if any concerns are detected. Even some tumors of the head and neck region can be detected with X-rays, which will allow you to seek faster treatment if any suspicious growths are discovered.
Keeping your oral health and overall wellbeing intact can be possible with the right preventative dental care. Preventing serious dental problems from happening or catching them in their earliest stages can help you maintain excellent dental health for life.