Teaching Your Children About the Dentist
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Teaching Your Children About the Dentist

I work as a clerical assistant in a pediatric dental office, and I am commonly surprised by the number of children who are scared of the dentist. Many kids think that cleanings will be painful, and they believe they will be scolded for eating sugary foods. Children are also extremely frightful of the noises made by the water spraying tools and the suction devices. As adults, we know that dental cleanings are easy and free of pain. We need to impart this knowledge to our children so they know not to fear the dentist. I have provided blogs that will help you speak with your child about dental care. Good communication, trips to your own dentist, and online videos can assist you. So will good brushing techniques that will make your child proud to see the dentist. Enjoy my articles so you can help your child build oral care confidence.


Teaching Your Children About the Dentist

Three Non-Cosmetic Reasons To Consider Dental Implants

Alfred Kelley

You are probably already aware that opting to replace damaged, broken or mal-formed teeth with dental implants can have a positive effect on your appearance and bolster your self-confidence level. What you may not know, however, is that there are some very good reasons to choose dental implants that go much deeper than just your appearance. If you are trying to choose the right corrective dental option for your individual needs, the following non-cosmetic reasons for choosing dental implants just might help.


Unlike dental appliances commonly used to replace damaged or missing teeth, a dental implant is no more difficult or time-consuming to care for than the original tooth it replaces. They do not require soaking or removal for cleaning. Instead, routine brushing and flossing will maintain their condition and strength through many years of use.


Nutrition is an issue that also deserves to be noted in any conversation about dental health and restorative dental options. When teeth are missing or damaged, the act of chewing food becomes inefficient or even painful. This can lead to avoiding foods that are nutrient-rich, but difficult to chew, as well as causing proper chewing action to be avoided in certain areas of the mouth.

This problem can also be noted in patients who have chosen dentures or other dental appliances and found them uncomfortable to wear when eating. When properly designed and installed, dental implants can help alleviate uncomfortable chewing action and encourage healthy chewing actions to increase nutrition from a wider variety of foods.


When chewing is limited to one part of the mouth due to some type of oral pain or damaged teeth, it can create stress on the muscles, nerves and bones of the head, neck and upper body, as well as uneven wear patterns on existing teeth.

Temporomandibular disorders are just one of many serious health issues that can be caused or aggravated by improper chewing action due to missing or mal-formed teeth. By choosing to replace missing or damaged teeth with dental implants, patients can often help restore more even chewing patterns and reduce the amount of stress placed on the teeth, muscles and joints.

Not all patients are good candidates for dental implantation procedures. To determine if they are a good option for you or your family, consult your dental care provider. They can use an oral examination, along with dental history records and other health information to determine if dental implants are the best option for you.  
