Teaching Your Children About the Dentist
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Teaching Your Children About the Dentist

I work as a clerical assistant in a pediatric dental office, and I am commonly surprised by the number of children who are scared of the dentist. Many kids think that cleanings will be painful, and they believe they will be scolded for eating sugary foods. Children are also extremely frightful of the noises made by the water spraying tools and the suction devices. As adults, we know that dental cleanings are easy and free of pain. We need to impart this knowledge to our children so they know not to fear the dentist. I have provided blogs that will help you speak with your child about dental care. Good communication, trips to your own dentist, and online videos can assist you. So will good brushing techniques that will make your child proud to see the dentist. Enjoy my articles so you can help your child build oral care confidence.


Teaching Your Children About the Dentist

Three Steps to Take If Your Child Loses a Baby Tooth by Accident

Alfred Kelley

One of the many highlights of parenting is witnessing your child lose his or her first baby tooth. The event usually provides you with a great story to share with them when they are older, but it is also a great sign that your little baby is growing up. What do you do, though, if the tooth does not fall out on its own? Here are three steps to take if your child loses their baby tooth by accident.

Try Your Best to Not Panic

Even though it is easier to say than do, it is imperative for you not to panic. Chances are that your child's tooth falling out of their mouth by accident will scare them more than it will scare you. For instance, a friend might accidentally knock the child's tooth out during playtime. Realizing that their tooth is no longer inside their mouth because of the incident might cause them to start panicking long before you find out about it.

Reassure and Comfort Your Child

After you have reacted to your child's lost tooth calmly, the next step is to provide him or her with reassurance. Make sure that your child knows that everything is going to be okay. Find out exactly what happened during the accident, because a lost tooth might be the least of your worries. Check thoroughly for any other signs of injury that may need your attention first. Explain to your child the need to get the family dentist involved to identify any additional steps to take with the brand new space inside of their mouth.

Explore Your Options with a Dentist

Your child's mouth might appear to be fine after the incident, especially if it was a "clean break." It is easy to reason that it was just a baby tooth, which was going to fall out eventually anyway. However, an early empty space inside of your child's mouth may cause bigger problems. For instance, the teeth surrounding the space could start to shift and tilt – blocking the path needed for the permanent tooth to grow.

Schedule an appointment with a family dentist like Denise McGrade DDS so that he or she canoffer their expert advice. Based on the age of the child and condition of their teeth, the dentist might agree that everything is fine. However, the dentist may also recommend the insertion of a space maintainer. A space maintainer is placed inside of the empty space in order to prevent it from being blocked or bumped by the child's other teeth.
